Today, however, it was particularly cool, as it has been a few times this month. N24 is slap bang in the middle of the World Cup Fan Walk here in Cape Town, and as I left work, the walkers had started walking... the walk.
The Cape Town Fan Walk has been universally praised by visitors and locals alike. I've done it myself, heading to Cape Town Stadium in sheeting rain, and the mood of the people was unbelievably festive. Dancers dancing, drummers drumming, singers singing, and vuvus... er.. vuvu-ing (I guess).
Of course you'll notice a whole lot of orange being worn. No prizes for guessing who Cape Town was supporting.
I asked a friend why they thought this was so:
"Dude, Uruguay beat us (South Africa) in the opening round, and they got our guy unfairly sent off; Suarez cheated, dude (the infamous handball incident against Ghana);and the ref that disallowed Lampard's goal... where was he from?"
er... Uruguay?
"Fo Sho!"
Anyway, I digress...
Imagine it: Cape Town, estimated 300 000 people in the streets. Football, and not a single miserable face among the lot. Thank you everybody for an AWESOME 30 days.

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